Friday, June 29, 2012

Ready the fleet 2

The big daddy of the fleet:
MKD Blockey


Zonaroja finished his other ship and it looks awesome!

Ready the fleet

Here's a project I've been working on for a while. So far it has two ships, but i'll add more, a lot more!

A-class detroyer
MKD Гоце Делчев

Battlefield inspired

I have to admit that i play alot of Battlefield 3 , so i made this map inspired by the back to karkand map
Wake Island

Set sail

zonaroja built this amazing ship
check it out!

Cool Castle

A shoutout for zonaroja, speedy and Teoddor5553 for building this cool castle

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Close Quarters Combat

Ever heard that you should keep your enemyes close, well this is too close enjoy the new PVP Death Match Map.